Great Ways to Spice Up Your Social Networking Page

Giving your social networking page a distinctive personality begins with where your graphics are obtained. One option would be to make them in a graphic or photo editing software. The software can be expensive and people who do not have an artsy background will probably find it overwhelming to start using technical software. A popular alternative is social networking resource sites. A resource site is any website that offers designs and graphics for social networking pages usually free of cost. Lots of these websites are in existence solely to help people create an awesome looking site and if they are any good they should be updating content on a regular basis. So the first way to spice up your site would be to find a couple of good quality resource sites and keep updating your page. Viewers love to see updates not just on your life but the style of your page. Keep your site current and your viewers will thank you.

A large factor in creating a stunning site is finding the right background. With so many to choose from on resource sites, it is hard to tell what will look the best. Look for a background option that has highly contrasting background color and font color. It is useless to put together a site that cannot be read based on it being hard to see. Otherwise, pick something that is stylish in your eyes and expresses your personality via colors and graphics.

Organize, organize, organize! Put your thoughts in order. A lot of sites help you with this task by using headers and common topics such as television and a music category. Let the headers be a basis for you and build off of them. But when I say organize I do not just mean by content I also mean by size, picture orientation, and color. For instance, in a photo album put all of your landscape photos together and all the portrait photos together so they do not look jumbled. Or even staggering the pictures can bring interest to the album, but use some methodology otherwise it gets to hectic and slightly boring since we see it so often.

Another idea is to frame your pictures. It is fairly new and really easy to do. Several resource sites have frames available some to a greater extent than others. All you will need to do is upload a picture saved on your computer and select a frame that coordinates not only with your photo but also with the location you post the photo whether it is on the main page of your site or tucked away in an album. Nearly all social networking sites lack the ability to let you design your picture albums so frames are a great way to get around that problem. Frames can bring color, style, and fun sayings onto your photo adding a whole other dimension.

Photo captions are a perfect idea for spicing up your entire site. Posting captions can explain things that cannot be said in a photo alone. And they look a ton better than plain ole text. Grab a photo caption from a resource site that tells everyone what is happening in your picture anything from best friends, truelove, or simply me. It lets the people who do not know you very well or who are just getting to know you exactly what is happening and or who is in the photo. And please remember to select a color the compliments your picture and site.

So no matter what social networking platform you use, be it Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or another, just keep in mind color, organization, and your personal style. Lots of resource sites are out there ready to spice up your site. Two great ways to find a new resource site is to take a look at what your friends are using and also look for partner links listed on the resource site. Both are a gateway to many great graphics and editing tools.